Wolf-Dieter Schlatter
Several deep inelastic scattering experiments using neutrino and muon beams were done at the SPS during the period 1977 to 1985. The experiments, their physics results and the importance of these early tests of the Standard Model will be described.
Born 1944 in Germany.
1973, PhD in experimental particle physics, Hamburg University.
From 1976, at CERN, fellow at the neutrino experiment CDHS.
1980-83, at SLAC, e+e- physics with Mark II at the PEP ring.
1983, back at CERN, e+e- physics with the ALEPH experiment at LEP.
2001-2005, EP Division Leader / PH Dept. Head.
Since 2006, work on the conceptual design of a detector for a future CLIC e+e- collider.
Since 2010, retired.