Weekly Meeting

CR04 (RAL)



Steve Fisher (RAL)
  • Actions
  • Alastair

    • Get schema updated on LCGIC01 to fix the connection pooling
      Will do it when the registry hardware is deployed -it can then be done quickly
    • Patch 1712 for GIN is causing problems at a Greek site
    • Prepare stuff for etics build of server code. Need to ad Jline dependency
    • Schema replication testing
    • Ensure that messages forwarded by new schema to old are dealt with correctly
    • YAIM for mon box should assume that it may have to work with other services on same machine


    • Add metadata columns to all  tables in consultation with users
      This is waiting for patch 1712 (GIN) to be widely deployed and schema update on LCGIC01 to fix the connection pooling
    • Write script to generate VDB rpm (which should be able to contain more than one VDB)
      It is almost done - have now built an RPM with ETICS
    • Add number of tuples in a producer store for a table to the inspector
    • Test mixed system (as in initial deployment) all pointing to one R and S


    • Provide number of tuples in a producer store for a table  to the inspector
    • Ensure that SP checks periodically for low memory
    • Ensure that buffer full exception goes away when it should and that it is thrown at the right time (ie.g. if limit is 10,000 then stop at exactly 10,000) 
    • Make type checks for PP insert before passing to DB
    • Deal with Savannah Bug 33626 by passing in unmodified context
    • Use nested class rather than arrays of strings
    • Avoid delay in new python client check
    • Can we drop the PP faster in no History or Latest queries are supported?


    • Track bug 21578 for adding the UI to the L&B rgma feed.
      Necessary changes have been committed to 3.1 LB branch, they will  be available in the next patch of glite-lb-server.
    • Make system tests work.
      Problem with producer buffer test - once buffer full exception is thrown it never recovers. Asked Arun to provide the # of  tuples in store for a table and make it available to the inspector.
    • Investigate rgma-client-check
      Python now History Query - but it doesn't work, CLI had to be changed to be able to modify storage. However it now fails like the python. C was working, C++ fails as it uses deprecated method, Java fails but still to be looked at.
    • Add code for providing warning when when registry not found
    • User documentation
    • Track bug 22605 Glue Service Uniqueid issue. This is in patch 1709 which is now certified.
      Now on PPS

  • Current issues - round table
  • AOB
list of actions
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