14–17 Dec 2014
Dr. Holms Hotel, Geilo, Norway
Europe/Zurich timezone

Search for Scalar Charm Pair Production with the ATLAS Detector in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) = 8 TeV

15 Dec 2014, 16:45
Dr. Holms Hotel, Geilo, Norway

Dr. Holms Hotel, Geilo, Norway


William Kalderon (University of Oxford (GB))


Supersymmetry (SUSY) is a theoretically attractive extension to the Standard Model of particle physics with the potential to solve several of its theoretical problems. For instance, the nature and production of dark matter is explained in SUSY by the existence of new stable, weakly interacting particles. A search for the production of supersymmetric partners of the charm quark will be presented, using data collected in 2012 with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. This is a previously unexplored SUSY scenario, the search for which makes use of recent developments in charm tagging algorithms and charm-tags the leading two jets in an event, significantly enhancing the sensitivity for this signal over inclusive searches. The results are used to set limits on the visible cross section of new physics, and are interpreted in a specific simplified model with only supersymmetric charm quarks and the neutralino LSP (lightest SUSY particle) kinematically accessible at the LHC.


Prof. Alan Barr (University of Oxford (GB)) Daniel Hay Guest (Yale University (US)) William Kalderon (University of Oxford (GB))


Alexandru Dafinca (University of Oxford (GB)) Anna Henrichs (Yale University (US)) Claire Gwenlan (University of Oxford (GB)) Paul Louis Tipton (Yale University (US)) Tobias Golling (Universite de Geneve (CH))

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