Philip Bechtle
(Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY))
16/12/2014, 15:00
Roger Barlow
16/12/2014, 15:45
New Higgs scalars with masses up to 10 GeV are predicted in models such as NMSSM, and in scenarios with hidden sectors that couple weakly to the Standard Model. Searches at B factories have resulted in tight constraints on such models. The talk will cover the recent searches and new results, and discuss the future outlook for this physics.
Andrea Coccaro
(University of Washington (US))
16/12/2014, 16:05
The particle nature of dark matter is one of the most intriguing questions in particle physics. The discovery of a fundamental scalar particle compatible with the Higgs boson predicted by the SM paves the way for probing this question with new methods. An overview of the LHC Run-I legacy results in looking for both exotic Higgs decays with dedicated searches and invisible Higgs decays is...
Catarina Espirito Santo
16/12/2014, 16:25
Recent progress on the field of ultra high-energy cosmic rays (UHECR) has
been driven by the data colected by the Pierre Auger Observatory in the
southern hemisphere and by Telescope Array (TA) in the northern hemisphere.
These hybrid observatories combine large ground arrays with fluorescence
detection techniques. In this presentation, selected results from Auger
and TA will be...
Tommi Tenkanen
(University of Helsinki and Helsinki Institute of Physics)
16/12/2014, 16:45
A generic feature of Standard Model extensions with no drastic modifications to the
Higgs potential is that the Higgs is a light and energetically subdominant field during
inflation. Inflationary fluctuations generically displace the field from its vacuum generating a primordial Higgs condensate. This sets specific out-of-equilibrium initial conditions for the hot big bang epoch which could...