FCC WG on experiments with the CERN injectors

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


Show room on map
Brennan Goddard (CERN), Frederic Teubert (CERN), Gino Isidori (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))

This is the first meeting of the FCC Working Group studying physics opportunities using the CERN injectors, including the option of LHC as High Energy Booster (HEB) injector of FCC. We would like to use these WG meetings to prepare an open workshop by the end of 2014, where the accelerator, experimental and theoretical communities can discuss interesting opportunities that complement the HL-LHC and FCC physics program and diversify the search for New Physics.

At this meeting we plan to have an initial discussion of the injectors upgrade plans (including a possible design of a very high luminosity IR at HEB), and of possible experiments such as Lepton Flavour Violation in tau decays using the CERN injectors, opportunities with Kaon decays. We invite the participants to put forward other ideas and topics for discussion, including a first definition of future needs for test beams A theory talk will review the interest of this physics programme. 

If you wish to contribute with a presentation, please inform the organizers. 

To join the mailing list for communications on the activities of the WG, go to

search for the "fcc-experiments-physinj" e-group, and subscribe.

    • 1
      Speaker: Frederic Teubert (CERN)
    • 2
      Injectors Plans
      Speaker: Dr Brennan Goddard (CERN)
    • 3
      Theory Overview
      Speaker: Gino Isidori (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
    • 10:20
      Coffee break
    • 4
      LFV tau decays
      Speaker: Marcin Chrzaszcz (University of Zurich (CH), Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
    • 5
      Kaon decays
      Speaker: Matthew Moulson (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))