The hunt for cosmic sources with IceCube

10 Oct 2008, 09:00



Elisa Bernardini (DESY)


Cosmic neutrinos are promising messengers to help unveil very high energy cosmic accelerators. To date, no extraterrestrial high energy neutrino flux has been observed, but cubic-kilometer telescopes are under construction (IceCube) or being designed (KM3NeT), promising to soon achieve the detection volumes necessary for the discovery of cosmic neutrino signals at energies above hundreds GeV. Potential neutrino candidate sources include supernova remnants, micro-quasars and active galactic nuclei, for which a wealth of information on their possible phenomenology is availableat multi- GeV energies and beyond, thanks to the successful observations of VHE gamma-rays. In this talk, the status of the search for cosmic sources with IceCube will be overviewed. Special emphasis will be given to search strategies aimed at increasing the discovery potential by looking for correlations with established signals (e.g. high-energy gamma-rays).


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