Stefano Covino
(INAF / Brera)
10/10/2008, 11:50
The availability of a new generation of instruments with capabilities to observe at high or very-high energies open an exciting perspective for GRB studies. The very large accessible energy band, including lower energy observations (soft X-rays down to optical and radio), will allow a reliable modeling of the GRB spectra both during the prompt phase and the afterglows. These information can...
Robert Wagner
(Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München)
10/10/2008, 12:30
Some models for quantum gravity (QG) violate Lorentz invariance (LIV) and predict an energy dependence of the speed of light, leading to a dispersion of high-energy gamma-ray signals that travel over cosmological distances. Limits on the dispersion from short-duration substructures observed in gamma-rays emitted by gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) at cosmological distances have provided interesting...