Oct 20 – 21, 2014
Galileo Galilei Institute
Europe/Zurich timezone

Momentum calibration and recoil: experimental systematics (ATLAS/CMS)

Oct 21, 2014, 10:00 AM
Galileo Galilei Institute

Galileo Galilei Institute

Largo Enrico Fermi,2 I-50125 FIRENZE (Italy)


Mariarosaria D'Alfonso (CERN)


This talk is on the muon momentum calibration, EM calibration and MET. Not on the methods but more on general problematics. - general differences between experiments Tevatron vs LHC (ATLAS vs CMS) - theoretical uncertainties on the Z lineshape-- i.e. FSR effect on lepton calibration - how port the calibrations from the Z to the W

Presentation materials