A vector polarimeter at MAMI

14 Sept 2015, 17:30
VZ 04 Saal 1 (RUB)

VZ 04 Saal 1


Ruhr-Universität Bochum Universitätsstr. 150 D-44780 Bochum/Germany
Talk Polarimetry Session 3


Fabian Nillius (Uni Mainz)


Atomic bremsstrahlung-polarisation correlation between incoming electrons and outgoing photons may allow to design a polarimeter capable of measuring all components of beam polarisation simultaneously. This device can be called a vector polarimeter. It might allow to test theoretical predictions of correlation coefficients between 1 and 3.5 MeV as well as work as a beam diagnostics device. As a first step we have set up a measurement of the helicity transfer to the photon as a function of electron energy which is based on the Compton absorption method. Experimental developments in order to measure photon emission asymmetries caused by transverse electron polarisation are presented.

Primary author

Fabian Nillius (Uni Mainz)

Presentation materials