Hartmut Dutz
(Universität Bonn)
Since the early sixties until today the main research program at the accelerator facilities of the Bonn University is devoted to photo- and electroproduction of mesons in the resonance region. In this context the measurement of polarization observables played and still play a key role to determine the various multipoles to describe the production processes of the nucleon resonances. Starting with
recoil polarization experiments the experimental program was sustainable stimulated by the commissioning of the new polarized solid state target in 1969. Since the first target asymmetry measurement at the 2.5 GeV synchrotron using a $^4$He evaporation refrigerator, crucial improvements of subcomponents of the polarized target facility to a large angular acceptance frozen spin target for experiments with the CB-detector in our days at ELSA, lead to new classes of high quality photo- and
electroproduction experiments. Here we will report on recent developments and highlights of polarized target developments in the last 45 years in Bonn.
Hartmut Dutz
(Universität Bonn)