Session 3
- Wolfgang Hillert (Universität Bonn)
Matthias Molitor
(Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
14/09/2015, 16:25
The P2 Experiment at the new Mainz Energy-recovering Superconducting Accelerator (MESA) aims at measuring the Weinberg-angle $\theta_\text{W}$ at low Q$^2$ with high precision. Therefore the polarization of the incident electron beam has to be known with a very high accuracy (< 0.3 %). A conventional Mott-polarimeter requires a lot of effort and expanses in calibration to be able to acieve...
Andrei Poblaguev
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
14/09/2015, 16:50
In RHIC Run 15 the new DAQ for the polarized hydrogen jet target polarimeter (HJET) was tested and employed.
The DAQ based on JLAB 12 bit 250 MHz FADC and new set of silicon detectors allowed us to improve the quality of data analysis.
Comparison of different methods of energy calibration of the detectors will be reported. The analysis of the signal shape was found to be very helpful for...
Fabian Nillius
(Uni Mainz)
14/09/2015, 17:30
Atomic bremsstrahlung-polarisation correlation between incoming electrons and outgoing photons may allow to design a polarimeter capable of measuring all components of beam polarisation simultaneously. This device can be called a vector polarimeter. It might allow to test theoretical predictions of correlation coefficients between 1 and 3.5 MeV as well as work as a beam diagnostics device. As...