Probing QCD and new physics with dijets
Dijets are the most abundant final state in hadron collisions. During the last 30 years dijets have been used to probe QCD and also search for new phenomena beyond the Standard Model. Recent results from Tevatron and LHC are discussed that reveal the full physics potential of dijets. Precise measurements of cross sections and angular observables, made possible thanks to the excellent understanding of the jet objects, confront the perturbative QCD predictions at the multi-TeV regime and constrain the PDFs. At the same time, the dijet invariant mass spectrum is used as a means of searching for resonances and for contact interactions between the quarks. Following the success of the LHC Run I physics program, dijets will once again play a central role in the quest for exciting discoveries at Run II, and we are prepared to exploit this powerful final state.
C. Lourenco, G. Unal......................... Tea and Coffee will be served at 10h30