10–15 Apr 2016
UZ Obergurgl
Europe/Zurich timezone

Baryonic Dark Matter at the LHC

13 Apr 2016, 18:20
UZ Obergurgl

UZ Obergurgl

University Center Obergurgl Gaisbergweg 5 6456 Obergurgl Austria
Talk Dark Matter WED2


Michael Duerr (DESY)


I present an extension of the Standard Model where baryon number is a local gauge symmetry that is spontaneously broken. In such a setup, anomaly cancellation requires the introduction of new fermion fields, the lightest of which is an attractive dark matter candidate. Dark matter stability is an automatic consequence of the gauge symmetry, and proton decay never occurs even if baryon number is broken at the low scale. I discuss collider signatures of this model as well as implications for direct and indirect dark matter searches.


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