Michael Brodski
(Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
12/04/2016, 19:00
Young Scientists Forum
Despite the great understanding of particle interactions in terms of the Standard Model and the recent discovery of the Higgs boson at the LHC, the Standard Model of particle physics can not yet explain various phenomena, such as neutrino masses or the Dark Matter halo in the galaxies. This talk presents new LHC Run II results of a search for New Physics in Z+MET channel, discussing the main...
Brian Thomas Amadio
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
12/04/2016, 19:10
TeV-scale new physics
Young Scientists Forum
Significant increase of the center-of-mass energy from 8 to 13 TeV at LHC Run II offers a great discovery potential for new physics at high mass, especially for strongly produced high-mass resources, contact interactions and TeV-gravity phenomena with high-pT jets. This talk presents most recent Run II results from ATLAS on new physics searches in the jet final states.
Muhammad Bilal Kiani
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
12/04/2016, 19:20
Young Scientists Forum
This talk will present the H->4l analysis with 13 TeV data, and the corresponding results.
Peter Stangl
(Excellence Cluster Universe, Munich)
12/04/2016, 19:30
Scalar Sector
Young Scientists Forum
Direct searches for fermion and vector boson resonances, as well as indirect constraints from precision measurements are both important tools to test the predictions of composite Higgs models. A novel numerical technique allows us to take into account many direct and indirect constraints in a single framework. This talk present results from applying our method to a class of four-dimensional...