RD-51 WG Conveners meeting



To join the phone meeting, please call the CERN operator at: +41-22-76-7-7000 asking to be connected to the "RD51 meeting".
    • 15:00 15:10
      Report from the MB meeting (Leszek) 10m
    • 15:10 15:30
      Proposal (Maxim) 20m
    • 15:30 15:45
      WG1 - Technolgical Aspects and Development of New Structures (Silvia, Paul) 15m
    • 15:45 16:00
      WG2 - Common Characterization and Physics Issues (Harry, Vladimir) 15m
    • 16:00 16:15
      WG3 - Applications (Frank, Andy) 15m
    • 16:15 16:30
      WG4 - Simulations and Software Tools (Alain, Rob) 15m
    • 16:45 17:00
      WG6 - Production (Erik, Ioannis, Hans) 15m
    • 17:00 17:15
      WG7 - Common Test Facilities (Matteo) 15m