11–13 Feb 2015
Other Institutes
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

Review of jet reconstruction algorithms

11 Feb 2015, 14:50
iThemba LABS - Gauteng (Other Institutes)

iThemba LABS - Gauteng

Other Institutes

Cnr Jan Smuts Ave & Empire Road, Braamfontein Private Bag11, WITS 2050, South Africa


Ryan Atkin (UKZN)


Accurate jet reconstruction is necessary for understanding the link between free partons and the collimated "jets" of colourless particles they hadronise into. This link will shed light on the properties of the partons. I shall present a review of  various jet reconstruction algorithms, namely Kt, anti-Kt, Cambridge/Aachen, Iterative cones and SIScone, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses. An application with data may also be presented

Presentation materials