K. Elsener, A. Dabrowski, L.Rinofli, D.Schulte, **, Y.Paphilippou, R.Tomas, O.Mete, J.B.Jeanneret, I.Ahmed, E. Adli
* New fellow arrive in July to replace Andrea
* Peder Eliasson: defended his Thesis very well
* Next week CLIC/ILC collaboration meeting
* CLIC ACE Early september
Summary of Post-Collision Beam Diagnostics
* For CLIC: V. Ziemann has written a EuroTEV report: 2008-016
- proposals to equip dumps with detectors, initial proposal with pin-diodes, but will be looked int further (e.g. bad experience using pin-diodes at LEP, JBJ)
- proposal to convert beamstrahlung photons to muons at start of water dump,
* Other ideas discussed (for ILC as well)
- use BPMs, and look at signal distortion
- CERN proposal: photon + thin converter + OTR
Outlooks for CTF3 steering:
* tested different steering algorithms with machine-based response only
* suggestions for model based steering:
- Model for 1-to-1: only needs energy
- Bad optics: doesn't matter, if you know the twiss at a couple of places
- bad response: still helps with many iterations (with gain lower than 1)
- change the energy to find BPM misalignments (just change gun current, nothing else)
- take into account current jitter: assume "simple formula" instead of spread-sheet calc
* presented benchmarking of PLACET and DIMAD
* good agreements for E > 300 GeV
EA, 7-may-2008
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