EPFL seminars

Spontaneous magnon decays and beyond

by M. E. Zhitomirsky (CEA Grenoble)

Salle PH L1 503, EPFL (Salle PH L1 503, EPFL)

Salle PH L1 503, EPFL

Salle PH L1 503, EPFL


Magnons or spin-waves are elementary excitations in ordered quantum magnets. At zero temperature, magnons are stable quasiparticles in collinear antiferromagnets with only moderate energy renormalization due to magnon-magnon interaction. This conventional picture breaks down for noncollinear quantum antiferromagnets. The dynamics of noncollinear spin systems is dominated by three-magnon (cubic) processes, which may produce a finite magnon lifetime even at T=0. I discuss basic physical principles of spontaneous magnon decay using three examples (i) field-induced decays in the square-lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet, (ii) zero-field decays in the triangular-lattice antiferromagnet, and (iii) triplon decays in spin liquids.
In the second part I discuss nontrivial physical effects that arise from interaction of high-energy gapped quasiparticles (rotons) with low-energy acoustic excitations (phonons). In the case of superfluid He-4 these lead to a non-monotonous temperature dependence of the roton gap observed recently in spin-echo experiments.
In the case of an easy-plane collinear antiferromagnet, I demonstrate presence of additional impurity assisted magnon-magnon scattering which yields the leading T-dependent contribution into the lifetime of an optical magnon.
This theoretical prediction is confirmed in the high-resolution neutron-scattering measurements on BaNi2(PO4)2.