XX-th IEEE-SPIE Joint Symposium on Photonics and Electronics for Accelerators and HEP Experiments
FEiT building, room 228A (WILGA, Warsaw University of Technology Resort; (near Warsaw))
FEiT building, room 228A
WILGA, Warsaw University of Technology Resort; (near Warsaw)
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technologies, Institute of Electronic Systems, PL-00-665 WARSAW, Poland, Nowowiejska Str. 15/19; tel.+48226607986, fax.+48228252300, e-mail: photonics@ise.pw.edu.pl ;
WILGA Web: http://www.info1.pl/Noclegi/osrodki/mazowieckie/wilga/start.htm ;
http://wilga.ise.pw.edu.pl ;
Andrzej Pacut(WarsawUniversity of Technology), Bogdan Galwas(Warsaw University of Technology), Grzegorz Wrochna(SoltanInstitute for NuclearS tudies), Jan Dorosz(Bialystok University of Technology), Jerzy Klamka(ELEKTRONIKA,Associationof Polish Electrical Engineers), Jerzy Szabatin(Warsaw University of Technology), Ryszard S. Romaniuk(Warsaw University of Technology), Tomasz R. Wolinski, Wieslaw L. Wolinski
Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems (ISE), PERG/ELHEP Laboratory, IEEE Student Branch, DESY/LLRF Team;
DESY, CERN, IEEE R8, IEEE Poland Section, SPIE Poland Chapter, Polish Academy of Sciences (KELTEL), Association of Polish Electical Engineers (PKOpto, SEP); European 6-th Framework Program CARE -Coordianted Accelerator Research in Europe, ELAN-European Linear Accelerator Network; SRF-JRA -Superconductive RF;
Research and experience exchange for young scientists, Ph.D, M.Sc. students; Peer reviewed papers published by Proc.SPIE [www.spie.org]; Review papers presented by leading industry experts and Univ. tutors;
Research areas covered by IEEE and SPIE: Photon physics; Optics; Optoelectronics; Electronics; Informationa Technologies; Automation and Robotics; Communications; Measurement Data Management; Global Computation GRIDS; Mechatronics; System Integration: Electronics-Mechatronics-Photonics; Hardware-Software Integration; New Technologies; Microsystems and Large Systems; Applications in Accelerator Technology and HEP; FLASH, X-Ray-FEL, ILC, LHC, CMS, Superconducting Cavities, Beam (Electron and Photon) Quality Management; Industry and Research Interactions;
SYMPOSIUM WEB: http://wilga.ise.pw.edu.pl ;
photonics@ise.pw.edu.pl ;
Professor Ryszard S. Romaniuk