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CERN Computing Seminar

How to ship a data product: from conceptualization to prototyping to production

by Samuel Chang (Contact Singapore), Zhihao Lin (Teralytics)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


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At Teralytics, we build scalable data products that transforms raw data into insights for our customers. These data sets are some of the world's most interesting but their volume and complexity poses significant modeling and engineering challenges. In this talk, we will share how we dealt with these challenges in the course of shipping a data product. We will cover the technology, models, processes and the composition of the team that made it all possible and also some of the key insights and lessons that we have learnt.

About the speakers

Zhihao Lin graduated with a Bachelor's of Engineering from the National University of Singapore and a Masters of Computer Science from ETH Zürich where he specialized in Machine Learning. Currently, he is leading Teralytics' office in Asia where he has built a data analytics team from scratch. He has previously worked at Symantec (maker of Norton Antivirus) and Autonomy HP.

Samuel Chang, Europe Area Director at Contact Singapore, graduated Summa Cum Laude from Singapore Management University with a Bachelor of Business Management, obtaining a double major in Finance and Marketing. Samuel was placed on the Dean's List for all academic years, and due to his academic achievements, was awarded several prestigious scholarships.

Prior to joining Contact Singapore, Samuel spent several years in the Singapore government's economic agency Singapore Economic Development Board to develop Singapore's Consumer Businesses and Lifestyle industries and attract investments from these sectors.

Samuel was recently involved in a new initiative to attract family-owned businesses, particularly from Europe to Singapore. He plays this role concurrently to his engagement of industry professionals to share about opportunities in Singapore, both investment and career opportunities.

About Teralytics

Teralytics is a spin-off from ETH Zürich that is on a mission to unlock the full potential of the world's data to make human life more fulfilling. We analyze vast amounts of complex data about human behavior. Insights based on such data are being used by businesses and governments around the world to improve their decision making and to deliver better customer experience.

Organised by: Manuel Martín Marquez and Miguel Angel Marquina
Computing Seminars /IT Department