27–29 Oct 2008
Europe/Zurich timezone

New tools: requests & coordination

28 Oct 2008, 14:45
Z0.09 (Nikhef)



Kruislaan 409 Amsterdam Netherlands


Requests from survey: * the base "getting started tools" * more resiliency to failures and better diagnostics when things go wrong (such as: use $! in any error message related to a failed system call * Pan parser for Doxygen * a GUI :) * A Template Manager GUI, please! It would be nice if you implement hierarchical templates management and automatic importing of them in the configuration database. (from a CDB user) * CDB (cdbop) grep functionnality, access to dependency information. * A tool to display the inclusion tree of tpls * package dependencies checker package version compare by rpm algoritm * A tool to understand how templates are related and I think good documentation is at least as important as new tools. Thanks. * GUI, more ncm-components... * Having the possibility to restore a machine configuration to a given date in the past. * Comprehensive documentation. Slides are NOT documentation. * XSL stylesheets for visualization of node profiles so that they can be viewed in a browser. Inventory: Logging/visualisation/debugging: * panc logging tools * pangraph (obsolete?) * checkdeps Profile generation: * comps2pan * create_template (for CA RPMs) * many at https://trac.lal.in2p3.fr/LCGQWG/browser/SCDB/trunk/src/utils/misc * groupandpasswd2tpl

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