SPring-8 (Super Photon Ring 8 GeV) as a synchrotron radiation source, is operated
and maintained by Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI) under a
control of RIKEN and JAERI. The facility consists of a 1 GeV linac, a booster
synchrotron (1-8 GeV), and a storage ring with 47 beam lines (maximum designed
beam lines of 62). The average pressure in beam ducts of the linac and the booster
synchrotron, made of stainless steel, is kept as 10-7 Pa using ion pumps and that in
beam ducts (anntechamber type) of the storage ring, made of aluminum alloys, is as
10-9 Pa using ion pumps (including distributed ion pumps) and NEG pumps without an
electron beam. At a stored-electron-beam condition (8 GeV, 100 mA), the pressure
increases to 10-8 Pa. Total vacuum pressures in the booster synchrotron and in the
storage ring are measured using nude-type B-A gauges, except for the linac and RF
cavity sections. Partial pressures are measured using quadrupole mass analyzers.
Some of vacuum failures (due to RF, photoelectrons, radiation etc.) in the injector
and the storage ring after operation in March 1997, are reported and discussed.