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AMT - Beam generated heat deposition and quench levels for LHC magnets



Andrzej Siemko (AT-MTM), Bernard Jeanneret (AB-ABP), Lucio Rossi (AT-MAS), Ralph Wolfgang Assmann (AB-ABP), Rudiger Schmidt (AB-CO)
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  • Thursday 3 March
    • Introduction - Chairperson R. Schmidt (Presentation 1)
      1. Welcome address, Introduction & Scope of the Workshop
    • Understanding heat deposition due to beam - Chairperson J.B. Jeanneret (Part 1)
      1. Introduction to the session
      2. Transient beam losses at injection and during beam dump
      3. Multiturn beam losses
      4. Heat loads from beam
    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • Understanding heat deposition due to beam (Part 2)
    • Understanding accelerator operation - Chairperson R. Assmann (Part 1)
      1. LHC and magnet operation
      2. Quench levels and transient beam losses at HERA
    • 12:30
      Lunch break
    • Understanding accelerator operation (Part 2)
      1. Quench levels and transient beam losses at TEVATRON
      2. Why do BLMs need to know the quench levels ?
    • Understanding quench levels - Chairperson R. Schmidt (Part 1)
      1. Quench levels and transient beam losses in LHC magnets
      2. Quench levels - experience from magnet test at CERN
      3. MEB and magnet sorting criteria
    • 16:00
      Coffee break
    • Understanding quench levels (Part 2)
      1. Insertions magnets and IR radiation
      2. Thermal model and AC loss measurements for the present and future IR triplets
      3. Understanding AC losses for LHC magnets
      4. Heat transfer in superconducting magnets
    • Modelling nuclear cascades, quench levels and future work - Chairperson A. Siemko (Part 1)
      1. Experiment for energy deposition in a target
      2. Case study: Energy deposition in superconducting magnets in IR6
      3. Case study: Energy deposition in superconducting magnets in IR7
      4. Protecting superconducting magnets from radiation at Tevatron, SSC, LHC and its upgrades
      5. Thermal modelling of IR quadrupoles
    • 10:30
      Coffee break
    • Modelling nuclear cascades, quench levels and future work (Part 2)
      1. Critical surface and scaling law for Nb-Ti; R&D on stability planned in the CERN cable test facility FRESCA
      2. SPQR - could it contribute ?
      3. Validation of simulations - possible tests?
    • 12:00
      Lunch break
    • Summary - Chairperson L. Rossi
      1. Summary and round table discussion: how to go on ?
      2. Closing remarks