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SCINT 2001: 6th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators

Chamonix, France

Chamonix, France
Conference Home Page. Opening and closing sessions will be broadcasted in live.
    • 09:00 01:00
      Opening Session
      • 09:00
        Welcome from the Chairmen 30m
        Speaker: Paul Lecoq & Christian Pedrini
      • 09:30
        HadronTherapy: A modern tool for medecine 30m
        Speaker: Gerard, Jean- Pierre
      • 11:00
        The Discovery and Development of LSO 30m
        Speaker: Melcher, C
      • 11:30
        25 years of scintillating crystals in High Energy Physics 30m
        Speaker: Longo, E
      • 12:00
        Welcome Drink 13h
    • 16:00 17:30
      Scintillation mechanisms 1 (SM1)
      • 16:00
        Stages of energy relaxation in scintillators and their influence on efficiency and energy resolution 30m
        Speaker: Vasil'ev, A.
      • 16:30
        NaI(Tl) Electron Energy Resolution 20m
        Speaker: Mengesha, W.
      • 16:50
        Luminescence and Scintillation Properties of zinc oxide 20m
        Speaker: Williams, R.
      • 17:10
        A phenomenon of scintillation in solids 20m
        Speaker: Korzhik, M.
    • 17:30 17:31
      Poster 1
    • The centroid shift of the 5d levels of Ce3+ with respect to the 4f levels in ionic crystals, a theoretical investigation (J. Andriessen)
    • Explanation of the T- and X-line components of the emission of ns2 impurity ions in alkali halides by lattice relaxations studies (J. Andriessen)
    • Vibrational Spectroscopy of OH-related groups in Ce3+ and Gd3+- doped silicate Glasses (A.Baraldi)
    • Fast 20 ns d-f Luminescence and Radiation Trapping in BaF2: Ce ( A. Wojtowicz )
    • The role of point defects in luminescence properties of PbWO4 crystals: investigation by electronic structure calculations (Y Hizhnyi)
    • Time-resolved spectroscopy and energy transfer in complex scintillators Al2BeO4, Be2SiO4 and Al2Be3Si6O18 (V.Ivanov)
    • Li6KSO4-Cu single crystal as new neutron scintillator ( M. Kidibaev )
    • VUV Luminescence of BaF2, BaF2:Nd and BaY2F8 Crystals Under Inner-Shell Excitation (M.Kirm)
    • Mechanism of additional losses of the emitted light in optically anisotropic scintillators like lead tungstate (N. Klassen)
    • Correlations between structural and scintillation characteristics of lead and cadmium tungstates (N. Klassen)
    • The responce of CsI(Tl) and CsI(Na) to Alpha Particles and Low Energy Gamma Rays ( A. Kudin )
    • Luminescence properties of YPO4:Nd3+: a promising VUV scintillator material ( M. Kirn )
    • Kinetics decay and electron phototransfer in cerium-doped fluorite ( E. Malchukova )
    • Measurement and Simulation of the Electron Response Function of Scintillators (A. Martinez-Davalos)
    • GSO and BaF2 Measured Electron Responses (W. Wondwosen)
    • Influence of Y codoping on PbWO4: Mo luminescence and scintillator characteristics (E.Mihokova)
    • Fast UV luminescence and electronic excitations dynamics in crystals of cesium lithium borate ( I.Ogorodnikov )
    • Creation of trapped electrons and holes in alkaline-earth fluoride crystals doped by rare-earth ions (E.Radzhabov)
    • Excitonic energy transport in wide-band inorganic scintillators (M.Ratner)
    • Oxygen luminescence centres in the scintillator BaF2 investigated by optically detected magnetic resonance (S.Schweizer)
    • Introducing the alkali impurities into BaFBr: Eu2+ crystals and their effect on photostimulated luminescence (A.Shalaev)
    • Nanocrystal Gd2SiO5 : Ce 2% studied by X-ray absorption spectra (C.Shi)
    • Effects of intrinsic and impurity emission in scintillators on the base of (Li,Na)F-U,Me single crystals (B.Shulgin)
    • Cluster simulation Cen+ ion (n=2,3,4) in fluorides using new exchange correlation potential (A.Sobolev)
    • Influence of Tl impurity on the core holes relaxation in CsCl:Tl crystal (P. Stryganyuk)
    • Concentration Dependence of the Light Yield and Energy Resolution of CsI (T1) and NaI (T1) Crystals exited by Gamma Quanta and Alpha particles (L. Trefilova)
    • Luminescence of K2ZnI4:S n crystal (V. Vistovsky)
    • Core valence luminescence of RbBr-CsBr crystals (A. Voloshinovskii)
    • Traps and recombination centers in doubly doped YAlO3 scintillator (A.Wojtowicz)
    • Luminescence of complicated Thallium centres in CsI:T1 (S.Zazubovich)
    • Luminescence decay of GSO:Ce under excitation of photons with energy less than 30 eV (S.Shimizu)
    • Optical and luminescent properties of anisotropic tungstate crystals (V. Kolobanov)
    • Peculiarities of the scintillation properties of PbWO4 single crystals with trivalent impureties ( Y. Zorenko )
    • Elaboration and Scintillation Properties of Eu3+ doped Lu2O3 and Gd2O3 sol-gel films (A.Garcia-Murillo)
    • Portable mini gamma-camera for medical applications ( E. Porras )
    • Inorganic-organic rubbery scintillators (N. Shiran)
    • An Intracerebral Beta Microprobe for Studying Radiotracer Kinetics in Freely Moving Animals: A Comparison of LSO and a Plastic Scintillator (G. Woody)
    • New Type of lead Tungstate Crystals with High light Yield (R. Zhu)
  • 18:30 20:00
    Detector for physics (DP1)
    • 18:30
      Application in High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics 30m
      Speaker: Faure, JL
    • 19:00
      Status of the PWO crystal production from Russia for CMS-ECAL 20m
      Speaker: E. Auffray
    • 19:20
      Influence of the distribution of PWO crystals radiation hardness on the electromagnetic calorimeter performance 20m
      Speaker: Drobychev, G
    • 19:40
      Studies of Lead Tungstate Crystals for the ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter PHOS 20m
      Speaker: Ippolitov, M
    • 08:30 10:20
      Crystal Growth (CG)
      • 08:30
        Crystal growth from the melt 30m
        Speaker: Fukuda, T.
      • 09:00
        Mass production of PWO scintillation elements for CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter 20m
        Speaker: Annenkov, A.
      • 09:20
        Potential of existing Growth Methods of LuAP and related Scintillators 20m
        Speaker: Petrosyan, A.
      • 09:40
        Production of REAlO3: Ce scintillators by Czochralski method 20m
        Speaker: Tkachev, A.
      • 10:00
        Crystal growth, spectroscopy and scintillating performance of Yb:YAG 20m
        Speaker: Yang, P.
    • 10:30 10:31
      Poster 1 - (second session)
    • 11:30 13:00
      Crystal Conditioning (CC)
      • 11:30
        Crystal Conditioning for high energy physics detectors 30m
        Speaker: Schneegans, M.
      • 12:00
        Litrani: a general purpose Monte-Carlo program simulating light propagation in isotropic or anisotropic media 20m
        Speaker: Gentit, F.
      • 12:20
        Operation characteristics of scintillation detectors based on PbWO4, LSO:Ce and CdWO4 crystals for nuclear physics and medical apparatus 20m
        Speaker: Globus, M.
      • 12:40
        Functional possibilities of organosilicon coatings on the surface of Csi-based Scintillators 20m
        Speaker: Kudin, A.
    • 16:00 17:30
      Radiation Damage (RD)
      • 16:00
        Defects in Scintillating Crystals 30m
        Speaker: Schweizer, S.
      • 16:30
        Properties of the heavy Germanate Glasses 20m
        Speaker: Chen, G.
      • 16:50
        Metastable defects in beryllium oxide crystals 20m
        Speaker: Kruzhalov, A.
      • 17:10
        Thermoluminescent response of LiF: Mg,Ti to low energy helium and carbon ions 20m
        Speaker: Rodriguez-Villafuerte, M.
    • 18:00 20:10
      New Scintillators 1 (NS1)
      • 18:00
        Rare earth activated wide bandgap materials for scintillators 30m
        Speaker: Wojtowicz, A.
      • 18:30
        Scintillation properties of Yb doped and Yb based aluminium garnets 20m
        Speaker: Belogurov, S.
      • 18:50
        Ytterbium based Scintillators, a new class of inorganic Scintillators for Solar Neutrino Spectroscopy 20m
        Speaker: Chipaux, R.
      • 19:10
        Fast luminescence of HfO2-Yb2O3 and ZrO2O3 solid solutions 20m
        Speaker: Kamenskikh, I
      • 19:30
        LuPO4:Nd and YPO4: Nd - new promising VUV scintillation 20m
        Speaker: Tavernier, S.
      • 19:50
        Quest and Investigation of Long Wavelength Scintillators 20m
        Speaker: Rodnyi, P.
    • 08:30 10:20
      Medical Imaging (MI)
      • 08:30
        Properties of Avalanche Photodiodes for Applications in High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Medical Imaging 30m
        Speaker: Renker, D
      • 09:00
        Development of the HiLight Scintillator for Computed Tomography Medical Imaging 20m
        Speaker: Duclos, S.
      • 09:20
        A new Scintillator for digital X-ray Radiographies 20m
        Speaker: Nagarkar, V
      • 09:40
        Doping PbWO4 with different ions to increase the light yield 20m
        Speaker: Kobayash, M
      • 10:00
        Optical properties and scintillation mechanism in Lu0.8Y0.2AlO3: Ce 20m
        Speaker: Kuntner, C
    • 11:00 12:30
      New Scintillators : NS2
      • 11:00
        Light output and energy resolution of Ce3+ doped scintillators 30m
        Speaker: Dorenbos, P
      • 11:30
        Development of YAlO3: Ce scintillator: Influence of Zr4+ co-doping 20m
        Speaker: Mares, J
      • 11:50
        Scintillation properties of LaBr3:Ce3+ crystals: Fast, Efficient and High energy resolution scintillators 20m
        Speaker: Van Loef, E
      • 12:10
        Optical properties of Ce3+ and Gd3+- doped sol gel silicate Glasses 20m
        Speaker: Vedda, A
    • 13:00 13:01
      Conference Excursions

      On Wednesday 19th :
      -13h-18h30 : free afternoon with 3 optional excursions proposed :
      1) Visit to the "Fondation P. Gianadda" at Martigny (Switzerland) where P. Picasso exhibition takes place

      2) Easy Hike on "Balcony on Mont-Blanc" : Flégère to Plan-Praz
      1h30 of walk on a "flat" path from where you have a breathtaking view on the Mont-Blanc mountain range

      3) Hike for good walkers to the Lac Blanc
      1h30 of uphill hike from Flégère and 2h downhill to the valley

      For the 3 excursions the start will be at 13h00 sharp. A picnic will be prepared for you.
      You should register at the reception desk no later than Monday evening.
      A contribution to the expenses (bus, cable cars, museum, picnic, etc...) of 100 FF per person will be requested.

    • 20:30 20:31
      Cultural Evening
      • 20h30 : A cultural evening will be offered at "Le Majestic"
        A Classical concert ( "Quatuor a cordes"), followed by a short Theater play ("Feu la mère de Madame" de G. Feydeau) with narration in English will be proposed to you.
        This evening will be open to the Chamonix population.
        During the pause a drink will be offered by the "Office du Tourisme" of Chamonix in order to promote contacts and animated discussions between the conference participants, the population and the artists.
    • 08:30 10:00
      Detectors for Physics 2 (DP2)
      • 08:30
        Application in High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics 30m
        Speaker: Carlson, P
      • 09:00
        Development of a compact photon detector for ANKE at COSY Jülich 20m
        Speaker: Hejny, H
      • 09:20
        Scintillators for photon detection at medium energies- a comparative study of BaF2, CeF3 and PbWO4 20m
        Speaker: Novotny, R
      • 09:40
        Endcap calorimeter of KEDR detector dased on CsI(Na) crystals 20m
        Speaker: Oreshkin, S
    • 10:00 10:01
      Poster 2

      Advances Technics

    • Equipment and methods for study of PbWO4 crystals afterglow (A. Lopatik) Crystal Conditioning
    • Simulation of light collection in the CMS lead tungstate crystals with the program Litrani: revetment and surface effects(R. Chipaux)
    • Optimization of detection system based on inorganic scintillation crystal coupled with a long lightguide (M. Globus)
    • Statistical studies on the light output and energy resolution of small LSO single crystals with different surface treatments combined with various reflector materials (U. Heinrichs)
    • Comparison of the methods for determination of Scintillation Light Yield (E. Sysoeva) Crystal Growth
    • Growth of Ce:Lu3(LuxAl2-x)Al3O12, Ce:Lu3(ScxAl2-x)Al3O12 single crystals for scintillator (T.Akagi)
    • Led Tungstate Crystals for ALICE/CERN Experiment (S.Burachas)
    • A Study on Sb Doping in Lead Tungstate Crystals (Q.Deng)
    • Growth, RBS and ERDA characterizations in calcium-lithium-niobium-gallium garnet doped with Nd3+ (CLNGG:Nd) crystals (L.Dinca)
    • A production of specified raw materials for mass manufacturing of the radiation hard scintillation materials (A.Dossovitski)
    • A large diameter PWO crystals to produce Barrel and EndCup size scintillation elements for CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter (V.Ligoun)
    • Is T.N.F.C. method suitable for scintillator crystal growth? (G.Metrat)
    • Homogenization of scintillations in doped CsI plates, manufactured by plastical deformation (A.Rogozhin)
    • Optical and scintillation properties of B-containing single crystals. (A.Shekhovtsov)
    • Crystallographic anisotropy of the influence of oxygen and vacuum annealings on scintillation characteristic of lead tungstate (S.Shmurak)
    • Crystal Growth of Y2Al5O12: Ce (S.Smirnova)
    • A study on yttrium doping in lead tungstate crystals (L.Zhang)
    • Industrial production of crystals of lead tungstate (PWO) and lutetium silicate (LSO) at the plant of the company "Northern crystals" (S.Beloglowski) Detectors for Physics
    • Charged particle response of PbWO4 (M.Hoek) Industrial Applications
    • Automated complex for individual dosimetric control gamma-neutron radiation (O. Batuhtina)
    • Development of a Scintillator Detector Set with Counter and Data Acquisition for Flow Measurements (M. Hamada)
    • Thermal neutron Detectors based on complex oxide Crystals (L. Nagornaya)
    • New storage phosphors for thermal neutron detection (A. Sidorenko)
    • Fiber Optics scintillators and scintillation systems for radiation monitoring (V. Petrov) New Scintillators
    • A search of the scintillation materials for solar neutrino detection (A. Borysevich)
    • New scintillator: LiCaAlF6: Ce crystal (A. Gektin)
    • Charge transfer luminescence and spectroscopic properties of Yb3+ in aluminum and gallium garnets (N. Guerassimova)
    • Scintillation properties of CsPrP4O12 and RbPrP4O12 (K. Horchani)
    • Luminescence of Fluoro-Hafnate Glasses (I. Kamenskikh)
    • luminescent property of Ce3+ in RE-Al-B-O system (S. Kubota)
    • Luminescent-kinetic parameters of Pb-based microcrystals embedded in insulator matrices (S. Myagkota)
    • X-ray Excited Luminescence of Some Molybdates(P. Rodnyi)
    • Potential new scintillators identified by band structure calculations (M. Klintenberg)
    • Initial studies into the viability of using co-dopants in inorganic glass scintillators to develop a scintillating glass for applications in particle physics experiments (P. Flower)
    • Scintillation properties of Lu3Al5O12:Ce single crystalline films (Y. Zorenko)
    • Scintillation properties of CaWO4 Crystals (Y. Zorenko) Radiation damage
    • Defects creation processes under irradiation of CsI:Tl and CsI: Pb crystals in the impurity-induced absorption bands at 4.2 K (V.Babin)
    • MnB4O7(M=Li, Sr, Ca, n=1,2) as an efficient Material for personal Dosimetry (E.Dolzhenkova)
    • Radiation Damage of CsI (Tl): Blocking of the Energy Transfer Processes From Vk Centers and Electrons to the Activator of Tl (M. Hamada)
    • Radiation Hardness of large dimension CsI Crystals (A.Kudin)
    • Elastic and relaxation properties of PWO scintillators, irradiated by gamma rays (I.Nazarkin)
    • Non-stoichiometry Defects and Radiation Hardness of Lead Tungstate Crystals PbWO4 (S.Potashov)
    • Creation of the short-lived defects in tungstate group crystals under X-ray irradiation (I.Solskii)
    • Kinetics of gamma radiation induced absorption in doped PbWO4 and YAP crystals (M.Sulc)
    • The effect of radiation damage on optical and scintillation properties of BGO crystals grown by the LTG Cz technique (Y.Vasiliev)
    • Visual light effect on thermoluminescence of PbWO4 crystals (Y.Wei)
    • The comparative study of optical properties of PbWO4 crystals irradiated by gamma quantums, fast neutrons and 1 GeV protons. (V.Yevseyev)
    • The non-uniformity and radiation hardness of PbWO4 crystals (H.Yuan)
    • Improvement of optical properties and radiation hardness of NaBi(WO4)2 Cherenkov crystals (B.Zadneprovski)
    • Small doserate irradiation behaviors of Y3+ doping PbWO4 crystals (Q. Deng)
  • 11:00 12:30
    New Scintillators 3 (NS3)
    • 11:00
      Bright Ultrafast Scintillation from Wide Band Gap Semiconductors 30m
      Speaker: Derenzo, S
    • 11:30
      Interest of thin scintillating films 20m
      Speaker: Dujardin, C
    • 11:50
      Crystal growth and luminescence properties of Li2B4O7: Ce, In, Ni, Cu, Ti 20m
      Speaker: Ishii, M
    • 12:10
      Application perspective of cadmium-containing crystals based on tungstates and double tungstates 20m
      Speaker: Nagornaya, L
  • 15:00 16:00
    Industrial Applications (IA)
    • 15:00
      Alpha-gamma pulse shape discrimination in CsI:Tl, CsI: Na and BaF2 scintillators 20m
      Speaker: Dinca, L
    • 15:20
      Radon gamma-ray spectrometry with YAP: Ce scintillator 20m
      Speaker: Plastino, W
    • 15:40
      Detection of low activities with the use of inorganic scintillators: the optimal way of processing the spectrum of scintillation signals 20m
      Speaker: Ratner, M
  • 16:00 17:30
    Round Table
    • 16:00
      New Scintillators : From Study to Application 1h 30m
      Speaker: Gektin, A
  • 18:00 18:01

    A "Conference Dinner" will be offered to all participants (tickets for companions at the price of 300 FF).
    The place of the dinner is a surprise.
    Warm coat or anorak is recommended
    The gathering is fixed at 18h15 sharp in front of Chamonix SNCF Railway Station
    Please confirm your participation to the banquet at the reception before Monday 12h.