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WP1 Group Meeting

EDG Conference site @ Budapest

EDG Conference site @ Budapest

Francesco Prelz (Unknown)
  • Monday 2 September
    • 14:00 19:00
      September 2 (afternoon)
      • 14:00
        Communications and matters arising from the EDG Retreat 30m
        Speaker: Francesco Prelz
      • 14:05
        Progress reports of on-going Y2 tasks: CNAF (Workload Manager, Helper, Job Adapter, DAGman) 1h 15m
      • 14:10
        Communications from the ATF 30m
        Speaker: Fabrizio Pacini
      • 14:15
        Implementation details of FS-based, dual-commit job "handover" services. 40m
        Speaker: Rosario Peluso et al.
      • 14:20
        Status of the review planning, and communications from the ITeam, if any 30m
      • 14:25
        Progress reports of on-going Y2 tasks: Datamat (UI, GUI, API) 1h
      • 14:30
        Progress reports of on-going Y2 tasks: Catania (Network Server, Resource Broker/Matchmaker) 1h
  • Thursday 5 September
    • 14:00 19:00
      September 5 (afternoon)
      • 14:00
        Progress reports of on-going Y2 tasks: Padova (FileQueue, JSSobject, Log Monitor, Job Checkpointing, support for parallel/MPI jobs) 1h 30m
      • 14:05
        Progress reports of on-going Y2 tasks: Cesnet (LB, R-GMA integration) 1h
      • 14:10
        Progress reports of on-going Y2 tasks: Torino (Grid accounting) 1h
      • 14:15
        Progress reports of on-going Y2 tasks: Milano (Interactive jobs) 45m
        Speaker: Massimo Mezzadri
      • 14:20
        Updates of the Release Plan 30m
      • 14:25
        Dates for next meetings & AOB 15m