This workshop + all-hands-on is intended for WP4 members from the different subtasks to get experience how to use the software delivered by other subtasks. The aim is to facilitate the integration of components from the different subtasks. The workshop starts as a normal meeting with presentations and status reports from each subtask the whole afternoon of the first day. Thereafter a training facility has been booked to allow the different tasks to setup simple tutorials with hands-on excercises for how to use their software. A half day is most likely needed for the preparation and then the tutorials will go on for one and a half day. The fourth day is used for wrap-up discussions and closing.
Overview of current state the development work
of the different WP4 subtasks and what my vision
is for where we should be at the end of the of
For people who have to prepare the infrastructure and installation for the tutorial exercises, meet in 572-23. For other people this timeslot can be used for informal discussions between the tasks.
Questions and open issues that came up during the hands-on sessions. Decide on definite timeline for the integration of components from different subtasks. Do we need a WP4 'put-it-all-together' workshop in April 2003?
Project status and preparation for the EU review20m513-1-27
Report from technical board and executive meetings. Description and agenda for the EU review, the 4-5 of February 2003. Implications for WP4 (demo preparation).