17/10/2002, 10:00
Arrival and registration of participants.
Check-in at guesthouse
Possibility for lunch at cafeteria
Herbert Van de Sompel
17/10/2002, 13:15
Introductory talk about: OAI in general, results of previous OAI conferences and workshops, follow-up to such activities.
Presentation of the new OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting 2.0
17/10/2002, 14:00
John Ober
(California Digital Library)
17/10/2002, 14:35
Susanne Dobratz
(Humboldt University)
17/10/2002, 15:10
Jörgen Eriksson
(Lund University)
17/10/2002, 16:05
Stephen Pinfield
(University of Nottingham)
17/10/2002, 16:55
Gerhard Beier
17/10/2002, 17:25
Ziga Turk
(University of Ljubljana)
17/10/2002, 17:45
Eric Van de Velde
18/10/2002, 09:00
Thomas Krichel
18/10/2002, 09:30
Michael L. Nelson
(Old Dominion University)
18/10/2002, 10:20
Femke Markus
(Elsevier Science)
18/10/2002, 10:55
Christopher Pressler
(University of London)
18/10/2002, 11:30
Carl Lagoze
(Cornell University)
18/10/2002, 12:00
Frederick J. Friend
(University College London)
18/10/2002, 14:20
Ulf Rehmann
(Universität Bielefeld)
18/10/2002, 14:40
Management problems : monitoring of input, financial aspects.
Public relations (with academia, established journals...)
18/10/2002, 15:00
Participants are split in small groups. Please pre-register by clicking on "more information" and sending an email to the panel chairman.
Jean-Yves Le Meur
19/10/2002, 09:00
Chris Gutteridge
(University of Southampton)
19/10/2002, 09:30
Jean-Claude Guédon
(Université de Montréal)
19/10/2002, 10:00
Bas Savenije
(Utrecht University)
19/10/2002, 11:10