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Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme

Particle Identification at the LHC (4/5)(--><BLINK>POSTPONED!!!!</BLINK><--)

by P. Eerola (Lund University, SE)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


Show room on map
The LHC experiments will explore new frontiers of particle physics. To maximize the physics potential of LHC, we need identification of leptons, hadrons, photons and 'invisible' particles. This is realized through reconstruction of electrons and muons, charged particle tracking and identification, b- and tau-tagging, and jet reconstruction. In addition, missing energy has to be measured in order to look for signatures of invisible particles. The experimental conditions posed by the collider, which will be operating at higher energy and luminosity than the present ones, are demanding. A large dynamical range is required in order to measure energies and momenta ranging from below one GeV to several TeVs. The detectors should be able to cope with the 40 MHz collision rate, with a large number of overlapping events. Limited available space and requirements of minimizing material in the detector place severe constraints on the detector design. Furthermore, radiation-hard or radiation-tolerant solutions are required. In this lecture series, I will discuss the methods of particle identification in general, and review the solutions adopted by the LHC experiments.