EP Seminar

A Neutrino Factory based on muon storage rings

by Belen GAVELA (Univ. Autonoma of Madrid, Spain)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


Show room on map
by Belen GAVELA / Univ. Autonoma of Madrid, Spain & Robert PALMER / Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA The physics reach and accelerator requirements of the very intense, pure and flavour-rich neutrino beams emanating from a muon storage ring will be discussed. The speakers will summarise the progress of the NuFact'99 workshop (Lyon, 5-9 July), held by particle and accelerator physicists under the auspices of ECFA and ICFA.

Note: Tea & coffee will be served at 16.00 hrs

Organiser(s): Jasper KIRKBY / EP Division