1. Introductory remarks by the Chairman
2. Progress report by the ISOLDE Technical Group Leader
3. ISOLDE Co-ordinator's report
4. Neutron TOF Facility (PS213) Technical design Report. INTC
2000-004; E. Radermacher.
5. Determination of the neutron fluency, the beam characteristics, and the backgrounds at the CERN-PS TOF Facility; INTC 2000-016/P123; P.
6. Diffusion Mechanisms and Lattice Locations of Thermal-Equilibrium
Defects in Si-Ge Alloys; ISTC 99-4/P115; W. Frank.
7. Isospin mixing in N aZ Nuclei; ISTC 99-5/P116; N. Severijns.
8. Investigation of the impact of the 39Ar(n, a)36S reaction on the nucleosynthesis of the rare isotope 36S; INTC 2000-003/P117; Cyriel Wagemans.
9. Investigations of Deep-Level Fe-centres in Si by Mössbauer
Spectroscopy; ISTC 99-6/P85 Add.1 (IS359); G. Weyer.
10. Laser Spectroscopy Studies in the Neutron-Rich Sn Region; INTC 2000-009/P119; F. Le Blanc.
11. Probing the structure of very neutron-rich nuclei in the sd-pf shell by combined delayed neutron and gamma spectroscopy; INTC
2000-010/P120; C. Miehé.
12. Precision study of the beta decay of 74Rb; INTC 2000-012/P121; M. Oinonen.
13. Test of a high power target; INTC 2000-014/P64 Add.3 (IS343); J.
R.J. Bennett.
Closed session
at 17.00 hrs, 6th floor Conference Room, Main Building.