ISOLDE Seminar

Ge - mini - ball workshop

by (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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The Ge-mini ball detector phase I reach its commissioning stage. The phase I mini ball detector will consist of 6 cryostats of three six-fold segmented - encapsulated germanium crystals each. Digital electronics (XIA) will be used to read out the energy and timing signals. After an initial set of test experiments that will be performed at the Koln Tandem laboratory, the mini-ball detector will move to ISOLDE at CERN for coulomb excitation and neutron transfer reaction measurements on light neutron-rich nuclear beams. Some decay spectroscopy studies using part of the mini-ball detector are foreseen as well. In order to discuss the future scientific program, a follow up workshop from the Heidelberg workshop, which was held in 1995, will be organised by the Ge-mini ball collaboration.

Organiser(s): Jurgen Eberth, Dieter Habs, Piet Van Duppen, Dirk Schwalm.