The design of a neutrino factory based on a muon storage ring draws upon several tried and tested technologies, upon existing design work for other accelerator projects, e.g. neutron spallation sources, but it also depends on the development of technical solutions to certain specific requirements. These include the efficient capture of muons in a large volume of phase space, some reduction in overall phase space volume by ionisation cooling, fast acceleration to the desired energy to avoid unacceptable decay losses and storage in a decay ring optimised for its purpose as a neutrino source. There is no obvious single combination of machines to achieve this aim.
Here we present a scenario, which relies, to a large extent upon known technologies together with a relatively unambitious mix of new schemes. Some will be tried and tested during design and construction. Others during the early operational phase of the facility leading to a staged upgrade path - a well-proven strategy in the development of accelerator complexes.
Organiser(s): Werner Herr / SL Division
Note: Tea and coffee will be served at 15:30 in front of the Auditorium