Technology Transfer Seminar

Assessing the market potential of a technology

by Nathan HILL (Qi3)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
This seminar is the first in a new CERN-PPARC technology commercialisation seminar series. How should I value a technology? What's the best way to work with industry? When should I licence a technology, and when should a spinout company be established? These are the questions to be addressed in a new series of practical commercialisation seminars by the UK Technology Transfer Coordinator.

Seminar 1 - Assessing the market potential of a technology

We will discuss a step-by-step guide to understanding how investment in technology development should be managed in parallel with market assessment and protection of Intellectual Property.

The second seminar will be held in March:

Seminar 2 - Partnering with industry
This workshop will focus on the "golden rules" of collaborative partnerships. Topics covered will include (a) benefits from partnering with industry (b) what we mean by technology transfer (c) why companies should benefit too (d) the attributes of "golden partnerships" (e) seeking funding support.

Please email if you would like to attend.