Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme

Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics : Trends, and Applications to HEP Instrumentation (2/3)

by P. Jarron (CERN-PH)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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Lecture 1 : Microelectronics and HEP instrumentation
CMOS technology has been the leading technology in microelectronics for more that 30 years thanks to its outstanding capability to miniaturization and low power consumption. A brief history of the microelectronics semiconductor industry is presented with applications for LEP and LHC experiments.
Lecture 2: Future trends in microelectronics and nanoelectronics
Trends in miniaturization point to the fabrication of ULSI nanoscale CMOS circuits by the end of the decade. Device issues and quantum effects in nanoscale MOS transistor will be discussed. Beyond CMOS technology, several technology avenues based on nanotechnology are under investigation. We will present some promising nanoelectronic devices and circuits based on Single Electron Tunneling (SET) transistor, nanowire, quantum dot and carbon nanotubes.
Lecture 3: Monolithic pixel detectors
Microvertex detectors for particle physics experiments currently uses hybrid silicon pixel detector. Novel emerging monolithic architecture based on advanced microelectronic processes are currently investigated. We will present the most promising monolithic pixel approaches: 3D detector, DEPFET, MAPS and TFA on ASIC, and discussed performances and radiation hardness issues for future high luminosity experiments.
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