Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

LCG Security Group

14/4-002 (CERN)



Show room on map
Kelsey, D
    • 11:00 13:00
      Morning Session
      • 11:00
        Introduction and aims of meeting 15m
      • 11:15
        Mandate and Membership 15m
      • 11:30
        LCG GDB WG3 report - discussion 1h
        Speaker: Kelsey, D (RAL)
        more information
    • 14:00 17:00
      Afternoon Session
      • 14:00
        Review of Tier-1 questionnaire 30m
        Speaker: Skow, D (FNAL)
        more information
      • 14:30
        Workplan for 2003 2h
        This list to be modified following discussion in the morning session
        • a) VO Management 15m
        • b) Incident Handling 15m
        • c) Acceptable Use/Usage Guidelines 15m
          more information
        • d) LCG Security Policy 15m
        • e) Firewalls 15m
        • f) Technology issues 15m
          Authentication mechanisms Credential renewal for long-running jobs Authorisation mechanisms etc.
      • 16:45
        Future meetings, organisation and AOB 15m