Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

WP8 ( + security and middleware) working meeting



Frank Harris (Oxford/CERN)
The meeting includes sessions on planning from the experiments, and joint working sessions with the middleware and security groups.
    • experiment planning

      Each WP8 experiment (ATLAS,ALICE,BaBar,CMS,D0,LHCb) will present an overview of their Grid planning for 2003-4, with specific reference to data challenges and special requirements for operation of experiment software

    • Security, VO management and the experiments

      The session will involve overviews from members of the SCG on the current status of software for the management of VOs, and the status with respect to experiments and CAs. This will be followed by discussion with the experiments regarding special problems in managing VOs, and in the operation of experiment data processing systems (e.g. the issue of the connectivity of site worker nodes)

    • Data and mass storage management with EDG 2.0

      The theme of this session will be the use of the new data management and mass storage software released in EDG 2.0. There will be overviews of the functionality and user interfaces offered by the new software, with particular reference to differences from the 1.4 series. There will be discussion on the use of this software by the experiments with a view to overcoming the problems in EDG 1.4 regarding reliability and scalability.

      • 10
        Data Management for the user in EDG 2.0 with emphasis on changes and enhancements
        Speaker: P.Kunszt (CERN)
      • 11
      • 12
        Use of mass storge with EDG 2.0 from user point of view
        Speaker: J.Gordon/J.Jensen (RAL)
      • 13
    • Workload Management and EDG 2.0

      The session will include an overview by WP1 of the functionality and performance enhancements expected in EDG 2.0, with emphasis on the differences seen by the user with respect to the current software in the application TB. This will be followed by discussion with the experiments on the use of the software in their forthcoming work in 2003.