Pablo Saiz, Predrag Buncic
30/06/2004, 09:00
* Current GAS status (Pablo)
* Service Controller (Predrag)
Topics to be discussed include:
- How does the GAS work in detail
- What is expected from other components to integrate with it
- play through use cases
Gavin McCance, Krzysztof Nienartowicz, Predrag Buncic, Francesco Prelz, Abdeslem Djaoui
30/06/2004, 11:00
which common components could the clusters share? (e.g. logging, error reporting, configuration). Is this viable? How do we get organized to deliver these?
There should be short (~10/15 minutes) presentations from people from each cluster on what is available and what would be desired and then we open the floor for discussion.
- Messaging (Kris)
- Java Web Services and their testing...