EPAC 2004

from Monday 5 July 2004 (08:00) to Friday 9 July 2004 (18:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
5 Jul 2004
6 Jul 2004
7 Jul 2004
8 Jul 2004
9 Jul 2004
MOXACH (until 10:00) ()
Video in CDS
09:20 Worldwide Perspectives in Accelerators and the Rle of CERN - Aymar, Robert   ()
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MOXBCH (until 10:30) ()
10:00 Industrial Technology for Unprecendented Energy and Luminosity: the Large Hadron Collider - Lebrun, Philippe   ()
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MOYCH (until 12:30) ()
11:00 The TESLA X-FEL Project - Weise, Hans   ()
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11:30 Physics Challenges for ERL Light Sources - Merminga, Lia   ()
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12:00 Superconducting RF Cavities for Synchrotron Light Sources - Marchand, Patrick   ()
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TUXCH (until 10:30) ()
09:00 Review of ISOL-type Radioactive Beam Facilities - Lindroos, Mats   ()
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09:30 An International Accelerator Facility for Research with Ions and Antiprotons - Henning, W.   ()
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10:00 "Electron Cooling for Proton, Ion, and Antiproton Beams: Status and New Developments towards High Energy Cooling" - Nagaitsev, Sergei   ()
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TUXLH (until 10:30) ()
09:00 Machine Protection Issues and Strategies for the LHC - Schmidt, Ruediger   ()
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09:30 HERA Performance Upgrade: Achievements and Plans for the Future - Minty, Michiko   ()
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10:00 RHIC Performance and Plans Towards Higher Luminosity and Higher Polarization - Satogata, Todd   ()
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TUYACH (until 11:30) ()
11:00 Laser-cooling and Laser-acceleration for Ion Beams - Roth, Markus   ()
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TUYLH (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Proton and Ion Sources for High Intensity Accelerators - Scrivens, Richard   ()
Video in CDS
11:30 Low and Medium Energy Beam Acceleration in High Intensity Linacs - Stovall, James   ()
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12:00 Challenges facing the Generation of MW Proton Beams using Rapid Cycling Synchrotrons - Irie, Yoshiro   ()
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TUYBCH (until 12:30) ()
11:30 Design Criteria and Technology Challenges for the Undulators of the Future - Kitamura, Hideo   ()
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12:00 Technological Challenges for High Brightness Photo-injectors - Suberlucq, Guy   ()
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WEXCH (until 09:30) ()
09:00 Experience with LHC Magnets from Prototyping to Large-scale Industrial Production and Integration - Rossi, Lucio   ()
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WEXLH (until 09:30) ()
09:00 Non-destructive Beam Measurements - Bai, Mei   ()
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WEOACH (until 10:30) ()
09:30 High Field Gradient Cavity for J-PARC 3 GeV RCS - Ohmori, Chihiro   ()
Video in CDS
09:50 Gas Condensates onto a LHC Type Cryogenic Vacuum System Subjected to Electron Cloud - Baglin, Vincent   ()
Video in CDS
10:10 Achievement of 35 MV/m in the TESLA Superconducting Cavities Using Electropolishing as a Surface Treatment - Lilje, Lutz   ()
Video in CDS
WEOALH (until 10:30) ()
09:30 Particle-in-cell Beam Dynamics Simulations - Lau, Thomas   ()
Video in CDS
09:50 Multiturn Extraction Based on Trapping in Stable Islands at CERN PS: Recent Measurement Advances - Giovannozzi, Massimo   ()
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10:10 Installation Strategy for the LHC Main Dipoles - Fartoukh, Stephane   ()
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WEYCH (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Fast Pulsed SC Magnets - Moritz, Gebhard   ()
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11:30 Technical Issues for Large Accelerators based on High Gradient SC Cavities - Pagani, Carlo   ()
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12:00 Low and Medium Beta Superconducting Cavities - Facco, Alberto   ()
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WEYLH (until 12:30) ()
11:00 Emittance Control for Very Short Bunches - Bane, Karl   ()
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11:30 Single Particle Linear and Non-linear Dynamics - Cai, Yunhai   ()
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12:00 Collective Effects and Instabilities in Space Charge Dominated Beams - Holmes, Jeffrey   ()
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THXCH (until 09:30) ()
09:00 Achieving Sub-micron Stability in Light Sources - Bge, Michael   ()
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THXLH (until 09:30) ()
09:00 High Current p and H- Diagnostics at the SNS - Shea, Thomas   ()
Video in CDS
THOACH (until 10:30) ()
09:30 SPEAR3 Commissioning - Safranek, James   ()
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09:50 Commissioning of the 500 MeV Injector for MAX-lab - Werin, Sverker   ()
Video in CDS
10:10 Top-up Operation at SPring-8 - Towards Maximizing the Potential of a 3rd Generation Light Source - Tanaka, Hitoshi   ()
Video in CDS
THOALH (until 10:30) ()
09:30 Electron Bunch Length Measurements at the SLS Linac using Electro-optical Techniques - Winter, Axel   ()
Video in CDS
09:50 Developments of the Non-invasive Beam-size Monitor using ODR - Muto, Toshiya   ()
Video in CDS
10:10 The Measurements of the Longitudinal Beam Profile on the Preinjector VEPP-5 - Gurov, Serge   ()
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THYCH (until 11:30) ()
11:00 Issues and Challenges for Short Pulse Radiation Production - Emma, Paul   ()
Video in CDS
THYLH (until 11:30) ()
11:00 Diagnostics at the TESLA Test Facility Free Electron Laser - Feldhaus, Josef   ()
Video in CDS
THOBCH (until 12:30) ()
11:30 The Beijing Electron-positron Collider and its Second Phase Construction - Wang, Jiuqing   ()
Video in CDS
11:50 DAFNE Operation with the FINUDA Experiment. - Milardi, Catia   ()
Video in CDS
12:10 Barrier RF Systems in Synchrotrons - Bhat, Chandra   ()
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THOBLH (until 12:30) ()
11:30 Recent Improvement of Slow-extraction at HIMAC Synchrotron - Furukawa, Takuji   ()
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11:50 Ultrafast Compton Scattering X-Ray Source Development at LLNL - Hartemann, Fred   ()
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12:10 BESSY II Operated as a Primary Source Standard - Klein, Roman   ()
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FRXCH (until 09:30) ()
09:00 Development of High Power Targets - Bauer, Guenter   ()
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FRXBCH (until 10:30) ()
09:30 Novel Ideas and R&D for High Intensity Neutrino Beams - Peach, Ken   ()
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10:00 Towards Higher Luminosities in B and Phi Factories - Raimondi, Pantaleo   ()
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FRYACH (until 12:00) ()
11:00 The German Hospital-Based Light Ion Cancer Therapy Project - Eickhoff, H.   ()
Video in CDS
11:30 "MYRRHA, A Multipurpose Experimental ADS for R&D Objectives" - Ait Abderrahim, H.   ()
Video in CDS
MOZCH (until 05:30) ()
14:00 Technologies for Electron-positron Linear Colliders - Holmes, Stephen   ()
Video in CDS
14:30 Start to End Simulations of Low Emittance Tuning and Stabilization - Tenenbaum, Peter   ()
Video in CDS
MOOCH (until 16:00) ()
15:00 Beam Based Alignment at the KEK-ATF Damping Ring - Woodley, Mark   ()
Video in CDS
15:20 First Full Beam Loading Operation with the CTF3 Linac - Corsini, Roberto   ()
Video in CDS
15:40 Status of a Linac RF Unit Demonstration for the NLC/GLC X-band Linear Collider - Schultz, David   ()
Video in CDS
TUZACH (until 15:00) ()
14:00 Positron Source Options for Linear Colliders - Floettmann, Klaus   ()
Video in CDS
14:30 Ultra-high Gradient Compact Accelerator Developments - Van der Wiel, Marnix   ()
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TUZBCH (until 16:00) ()
15:00 Beam Quality Preservation in the CERN PS-SPS Complex - Arduini, Gianluigi   ()
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15:30 Beam Dynamics Challenges for Future Circular Colliders - Zimmermann, Frank   ()
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WEILH (until 15:50) ()
14:00 Industrial Involvement in EC Supported Accelerator R&D in the 6th Framework Programme and in Preparing Large Scale Accelerator Projects - Proch, Dieter   ()
Video in CDS
14:30 Methods for Successful Technology Transfer in Physics - Hill, Nathan   ()
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14:50 Collaboration between Industry and Institutes - Ursic, Rok   ()
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15:10 Industrial Response to RF Power Requirements - Wilcox, David   ()
Video in CDS
15:30 Industrial Involvement in the Construction of Synchrotron Light Sources - de Jong, Mark   ()
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WEOBCH (until 14:40) ()
14:00 "Technical and Performance Requirements for Monitoring of Pulsed, Mixed Radiation Fields around High Energy Accelerators" - Forkel-Wirth, Doris   ()
Video in CDS
14:20 "Design, Construction, and Initial Operation of the SNS MEBT Chopper System" - Hardekopf, Robert   ()
Video in CDS
WEOCCH (until 15:20) ()
14:40 A New 180 MeV H- Linac for Upgrades of ISIS - Gerigk, Frank   ()
Video in CDS
15:00 Construction Status and Issues of the Spallation Neutron Source Ring - Wei, Jie   ()
Video in CDS
WEODCH (until 16:00) ()
15:20 1.5-GeV FFAG Accelerator as Injector to the BNL-AGS - Ruggiero, Alessandro   ()
Video in CDS
15:40 An Interaction of Stored Ions with Electron Target in Low Energy Electrostatic Ring - Syresin, Evgeny   ()
Video in CDS
THZCH (until 16:00) ()
14:15 Novel Technologies for the Tevatron Luminosity Upgrade - Shiltsev, Vladimir   ()
Video in CDS
14:45 Electron Cooling: Remembering and Reflecting - Meshkov, Igor   ()
Video in CDS
15:15 "JACoW, a Collaboration Serving the Accelerator Community" - Poole, John and Petit-Jean-Genaz, Christine   ()
Video in CDS
15:30 Cosmic Accelerators - Blandford, Roger   ()
Video in CDS
FRYBCH (until 12:30) ()
12:00 The Fast Track to Fusion Power - Llewellyn Smith, Chris   ()
Video in CDS