Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme

A walk through the LHC injector chain (3/3)

by Schindl, K. (CERN - AB)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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Proton linac, PS Booster, PS, SPS and the two transfer channels from SPS to LHC are used for LHC proton injection. The lectures will review the features of these faithful machines and underline the modifications required for the LHC era. Moreover, an overview of the LHC lead ion injector scheme from the ion source through ion linac, LEIR, PS and SPS right to the LHC entry will be given. The particular behaviour of heavy ions in the LHC will be sketched and the repercussions on the injectors will be discussed.
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