Support Task Force Meeting

VRVS / Desert Room

VRVS / Desert Room

Thoene, W.
    • 11:00 11:15
      Support Video Conference 15m
      Speaker: All
      Dear all, thank you for your participation at the VRVS Meeting. I hope to see many of you on Tuesday, 15th here in Karlsruhe ---- Participants: David Bouvet (DB) Marco Verlato (MV) Carlos Fernandez (CF) Wolfgang Thoene (WT) Wojtek Wislicki (WW) Ron Trompet (RT)(partially) Summary: - WT mentioned that he has not received feedback from the ROC/CIC Managers - All participants where asked to give a small statement about the opinion of their federation regarding a "central" user support organisation: * in principal it is ok for all * we need to define the processes * we need to integrate experiments for experiment related support - WT asked, if there were experiences with experiment support in the different federations because the GGUS team faced problems, with experiment support on a centralised bases * no real experiences * communication is necessary Action items: - all members of the "support task force" should use and test the GGUS portal at To have "support rights" please use the link that is provided in the portal. Everybody should send WT an email with comments to the portal (please provide good and bad thoughts) up to 04-06-2004, after this WT will send out a summary and schedule an additional meeting. ***** I STILL DO NOT HAVE FEEDBACK FROM ALL OF YOU! ***** - WT will send out an email to the ROC and CIC Managers, asking to receive a list of groups that are common in each ROC/CIC for Support issues. *** STILL WAIT FOR FEEDBACK *** - all members should provide a list of their current structures, to see how the ROC is organised in terms of support. Please send a one page PowerPoint or OpenOffice Impress file. WT will provide a list of common groups :-) *** STILL NOT SEND FROM ALL *** Next Meeting will be on June 24th at 10:30h MESZ (local German time) in Desert virtual room and be every other week from June 24th on. Wolfgang