Support Task Force Meeting

VRVS / Dessert Room

VRVS / Dessert Room

Thoene, W.
    • 10:30 11:20
      Discussion on the concept paper 50m
      Speaker: Thoene, W.
      Participants: David Bouvet (DB) Marco Verlato (MV) Mario David (MD) Wolfgang Thoene (WT) Ron Trompet (RT) Summary: - WT ask if all participants have read the draft ofthe Task Force Proposal --> all did - A discussion takes place regarding the comments to the document so far - MD presented his idea to split the discussion to a cenral helpdesk application and Call Desk/Support team - WT and MV think thisis not a good idea, as the current support structures will make this happen - No final solution on this item - We want to wait for more comments - WT tells that the draft was also send to the ROC Managers Action items: - - all members should provide a list of their current structures, to see how the ROC is organised in terms of support. Please send a one page PowerPoint or OpenOffice Impress file. WT will provide a list of common groups :-) ***** I AM STILL MISSING THE ONE AND OTHER :-)***** - WT will provide new section within the darft document describing the support organisations he allready received. Next Meeting will be on July 22th at 10:30h MESZ (local German time) in Desert virtual room . Please could you think of a schedule for a personal meeting of the group. Who should host this etc. As many of us will go for some holidays I guess we should maybe find a date to finish the paper !? Wolfgang