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"Baltic Grid" Conference: Induction to Grid Computing and the EGEE project

Vilnius, Lithuania

Vilnius, Lithuania

Mineter, M.J.
The project EGEE (Enabling Grids for e-Science in Europe) is developing a service grid infrastructure to support international collaboration in science. Day 1 of this event will introduce researchers to Grid Computing and to the EGEE middleware. No prior Grid experience is required for day 1. Participants in Day 1 will gain: 1. Understanding of general Grid and e-Science concepts 2. Orientation to the EGEE infrastructure and middleware 3. Experience from use of an EGEE testbed, GILDA, via the GENIUS portal. The morning of Day 2 is designed to give participants an understanding of the goals, context and structure of the EGEE project, which is bulding with regional and national grid projects to operate a production Grid infrastructure to support international e-Science. The talks will continue the programme of Day 1, but they are also suitable for additional participants with an understanding of Grid concepts. The afternoon of Day 2 includes presentations from several regional and national grid projects. The agenda is chosen to be resonant with the planned Baltic Grid initiatives. To REGISTER and for accommodation, go to
    • Day 1 - Introduction to Grids and EGEE middleware
      • 1
        Introduction to course
        General introduction to the content and aims of the two days.
        Speaker: Mike Mineter (NeSC)
      • 2
        What are Grids and e-Science?
        Speaker: Richard Hopkins (NeSC)
      • 3
        What is the EGEE project?
        Speaker: Mike Mineter (NeSC)
      • 11:15
      • 4
        Authorisation, Authentication and Security
        Speaker: Guy Warner (NeSC)
      • 5
        Middleware components in EGEE
        Speaker: Mike Mineter (NeSC)
      • 13:00
      • 6
        Introduction to the GILDA testbed and GENIUS portal
        The GILDA testbed and the GENIUS portal are initiatives led by Dr Roberto Barbera of INFN and the University of Catania. The practical will use GILDA and GENIUS to build on the earlier talks to reinforce understanding of the EGEE middleware.
        Speaker: Guy Warner (NeSC)
        more information
      • 7
        Practical - part 1
        Speaker: Guy Warner (NeSC)
      • 15:45
      • 8
        Practical - part 2
        Speaker: Guy Warner
      • 9
    • Day 2: morning - The EGEE project
      • 10
        Introduction to day 2
      • 11
        The EGEE project: enabling e-Science
        Speaker: Mike Mineter (NeSC)
      • 12
        EGEE: re-engineering of middleware
        Speaker: Richard Hopkins (NeSC)
      • 10:10
      • 13
        EGEE Operations
        The largest of the three main activity areas in EGEE is creating the operations infrastructure and organisation to deliver a reliable, secure, production service.
        Speaker: Fotis Karayannis (GRNET)
      • 14
        EGEE "networking" activities
        The (human) networking activities includes dissemination about EGEE; the identification and support of virtual organisations in a wide range of application areas; and the training of users.
        Speaker: Mike Mineter
      • 15
        This ends the EGEE and Grids induction sessions; after this attention turns to related Grid projects and to Baltic grid initiatives.
      • 11:35
    • Day 2: afternoon - Regional and National Grid initiatives
      • 16
      • 17
        The CrossGrid project - development of Grid environment for interactive applications
      • 18
        Pionier - Polish Optical Internet; Advanced Applications, Services and Technologies for Information Society
        Speaker: [Poznan]
      • 19
        The GridLab project - development of application tools and middleware for Grid environments
        Speaker: [Poznan] (Poznan)
        more information
      • 14:40
      • 20
        Hellasgrid, the Greek Grid initiative
        Speaker: Fotis Karayannis
      • 21
        SEE-GRID, Expanding the eInfrastructure into South-East Europe
        Speaker: Fotis Karayannis
        more information
      • 22
        Nordic Grid Projects
        Speaker: Anders Ynnerman
      • 16:30
      • 23
        Estonian Grid and LHC computing
        * Brief history of EG * Current Organizational structure of EG * Technical solution for EG * Collaborations * Lectures about Grid in Estonia * Cluster plans * Current scientific projects on EG * Future plans
        Speaker: Mario Kadastik (NICPB, Estonia)
      • 24
        Lithuanian Grid projects
        Prof. Laimutis Telksnys will talk about resourses for grids in Lithuania Prof. Feliksas Ivanauskas will talk about the problems/applications needing grids.
        Speaker: Laimutis Telksnys; Feliksas Ivanauskas
      • 25
        Latvian Grid projects
        Speaker: J. Rimshans, B. Martuzans
    • Day 3, Expanding Grid infrastructure in Baltic States

      Restricted meeting to discuss the Baltic Grid Proposal to EU.

      Minutes: Ake Edlund - to be distributed to the members of the meeting.

      • 26
        Introduction of the members of the meeting, and defining the agenda.
        Speaker: All
      • 27
        Info about upcoming EU-call
      • 28
        Statement of interest and expected/planned contribution to a Baltic Grid, primarily
        • a) Suggested outline of presentations (LJ)
          - Applications - Physical resource contributions to a Baltic Grid - Network infrastructure - Current and expected local support/matching if an EU proposal is successful - Current staff expertise related to Grids - Current collaborations of relevance for a Baltic Grid proposal - Industrial partners - Other
        • b) Presentation 1, Poland
        • c) Presentation 2, Lithuania
        • d) Presentation 3, Estonia
          more information
        • e) Presentation 4, Latvia
        • f) Presentation 5, Lithuania
        • g) Presentation 6, Lithuania
        • h) Presentation 7, Lithuania
      • 12:30
      • 29
        Discussion and working groups
        - Applications - Dissemination and outreach - Education and Training - Networks - roadmap - Computing platforms, storage. Viz - roadmap - Deployment - Operations
      • 30
        Working group reports and Discussion
      • 31
        Next steps and time lines