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AWG meeting

40/5-A01 (CERN)



Show room on map
Breton, V.
This first face-to-face meeting of AWG members will focus on the following issues: - deployment of biomedical and generic applications : status, perspectives, resources allocated,... - preparation of upcoming EGEE conference in Den Haag - deliverable DNA4.2 and milestone MNA4.1 - joint NA4/SA1 work group - preparation of EC review
    • 10:00 12:30
      Morning session

      All talks are expected to be short and followed by discussions

      • 10:00
        General NA4 status 30m
        THe goal of this talk is to summarize NA4 status and present issues which need to be addressed in the next weeks and months, in cluding demos for Den Haag and first EC review, allocation of resources, deployment of large scale non HEP applications on LCG2, ...
        Speaker: Breton, V
      • 10:30
        Status of generic activities 1h
        The goal of this talk is to introduce a discussion on the status of generic applications approved at first EGAAP in terms of deployment on GILDA, deployment on LCG2 and issues to migrate from GILDA to LCG2
        Speaker: R. Barbera (INFN)
      • 11:30
        ARDA and Glite 15m
        Speaker: Harris, F. for Lamanna.M (CERN/Oxford)
    • 14:00 17:00
      Afternoon session
      • 14:00
        Status of biomed activities 30m
        Speaker: Montagnat, J
      • 14:30
        Biomedical task force 30m
        Discussion of goals, membership,...
      • 15:00
        Reaching MNA4.1 30m
        Speaker: Metery R. & Fede E.