Gervasi, O. and Lagana', A.
(Univ. Perugia)
24/11/2004, 14:00
The demo will execute the Simulation of the reaction H+ICl using the Quasiclassical approach (ABCtraj application) and a PES of type LEPS well known in the literature. Some Virtual Monitors of the reaction will be shown during the Simulation and discussed.
Kornmayer, H. and/or Forti, A.
(FZK and Univ. Udine)
24/11/2004, 14:15
A typical production of the MAGIC Montecarlo will be shown.
Barbera, R. and Giorgio, E.
(Univ. Catania and INFN)
24/11/2004, 14:30
A typical video-on-demand application on a grid environment will be demonstrated. This is also the EGEE demo at the Rio event.
Peters, A
24/11/2004, 14:45
A typical HEP distributed analysis application on a grid environment will be demonstrated. The user uses the gLite grid services in an interactive way to access ALICE experiment data.