10–13 Oct 2005
Europe/Zurich timezone

Klystron Linearizers for PEP-II

10 Oct 2005, 11:40
Bldg. 40, Room 40-S2-A01 (CERN)

Bldg. 40, Room 40-S2-A01


invited Opening Session


Dr John Fox (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)


The RF systems in PEP-II use direct and comb loop feedback techniques to minimize the cavity fundamental impedance driving low-mode coupled bunch instabilities. The effectiveness of these techniques are strongly dependent on the linearity and dynamic behavior of the klystron amplifier in the feedback path. This short talk will summarize the impedance control techniques in PEP-II, and review measurements which highlight the impact of klystron saturation on low mode instabilities. Technical options to linearize the klystron and our specific implementation are described. Results from full power test stand measurements and beam tests are presented.


Dr John Fox (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)

Presentation materials