Kevin S. Smith
The RF group within the BNL Collider-Accelerator Department (BNL C-AD) supports the
development, operations and maintenance of RF systems for three operational
synchrotrons (AGS Booster, AGS and RHIC), and is also responsible for RF system
development for a number of upgrades and projects both planned or in progress.
Active projects include the C-AD LLRF Upgrade (upgrade of AGS Booster, AGS and RHIC
LLRF systems), the Electron Beam Ion Source (EBIS) project (a high charge state
heavy ion injector for the AGS Booster), and the Super Conducting Energy Recovery
Linac (SC-ERL) experiment (a very high current SC-ERL prototype and SC RF photo-
cathode gun). Planned projects include the Rare Symmetry Violating Processes
(RSVP) upgrade (1E14 protons per pulse, 2.5Hz AGS upgrade), and a possible Super-
Neutrino Driver (high current SC proton linac for AGS injection). With very
limited LLRF engineering resources available to support all these efforts, the
decision was made to focus development efforts at designing a common digital
hardware platform, modular in nature, which could then be configured as necessary
to satisfy the unique requirements of the various LLRF systems. We believe such a
system offers a number of significant benefits, including: maximum leveraging of
very limited engineering resources; reduction in the number of unique hardware
components we need to produce, operate and maintain; flexibility in individual LLRF
system configuration; flexibility of future upgrade options; and, greatly reduced
risk from component obsolescence. Our talk and poster will describe the
architecture as currently envisioned, lessons learned from the RHIC, Booster and
SNS Ring LLRF designs, the various LLRF system requirements, and the factors
effecting design decisions and tradeoffs.
Kevin S. Smith
A. Zaltsman
F. Severino
J. DeLong
J. M. Brennan
L. Hoff
M. Blaskiewicz
T. Hayes