Sergey Ivanov
(Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP))
The presentation will start with a few general remarks on a theory of beam motion
under noises (inside and beyond RF buckets, non-linearity, stationary and
periodically non-stationary noises, drift fluxes, etc). Existing difficulties would
be outlined and ways to solve them sketched out. Availability of ready-to-use
techniques and tools will be commented. Experimental verification of the key noise
diffusion issues in the MD runs of U70 PS of IHEP-Protvino (flattening bunches with
RF noise gymnastics, stochastic slow extraction) will be reviewed in short. Major
emphasis will be put on the problems most applicable to the LHC: specifics of beam
noise-driven halation under a non-negligible energy loss due to synchrotron
radiation of high-energy protons (diffusion plus or minus drift due to the SR). An
attempt to explain (most of) coasting-beam halo phenomenology in the HERA-p ring
will be made and projected onto the LHC case.
Sergey Ivanov
(Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP))