Uros Mavric
(Instrumentation Technologies)
Libera is a product family targeting instrumentation and controls applications on
particle accelerators. So far three members have been introduced and very well
accepted by the accelerator community. Libera's hardware architecture presents a
universal platform that has all the hardware interfaces to convert signals from
analog to digital and vice versa. In between there is a big FPGA that offers
abundant computing power for loop control.
This article presents a possible application of Libera as a field control module in
a LLRF control system. It first describes in details the main hardware building
blocks. The article continues with a description of simulations and discussions of
results of a mathematical model of a feedback control system comprising of a basic
klystron, RF cavity, cable of certain length and field control module. Conclusion
discusses the applicability of Libera as a LLRF field control module.
Uros Mavric
(Instrumentation Technologies)