Talks Session 1
- Larry Doolittle (LBNL)
Talks Session 1
- Larry Doolittle (LBL)
The Scientific Secretary of this session is Dr. Steve Hancock
Serguei Belomestnykh
10/10/2005, 14:00
A new digital LLRF system has been developed recently at Cornell University. The
system is suitable for a wide variety of accelerator applications as it provides
great flexibility, high computational power and low latency. It features very fast
feedback and feed-forward controls, a state machine for automatic start-up,
calibration and trip recovery, CW and pulsed modes of operation,...
Shinichiro Michizono
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
10/10/2005, 14:30
Twenty high power klystrons will be installed in the J-PARC linac. The rf fields
required to be stable less than +-1% in amplitude and +-1deg. in phase. The digital
feedback (FB) system using FPGAs are adopted so as to satisfy these requirements.
External monitors using wave-detectors and mixers are utilized for confirming the
stability. The measured stabilities are less than...
Andrew Young
10/10/2005, 15:10
Paul Joireman
10/10/2005, 16:00
Fermilab’s Main Injector, Recycler and Tevatron synchrotrons Low Level RF systems
perform a wide variety of tasks in support of accelerator goals, colliding beam HEP
and neutrino production. In this paper, we will focus on the architecture and
features of the LLRF software, the development practices we use and the lessons we
have learned in the process. These specific features are...
Stefan Simrock
10/10/2005, 16:40
The designer of an RF control system will be aiming for the best possible control
of the cavity fields that is possible. Optimal control deals with the problem of
finding a control law for a given system such that a certain optimality criterion
is achieved. In control theory the control that minimizes a certain cost functional
is called the optimal control. The problem formulation...