Talks Session 2
- Curt Hovater (JLAB)
Talks Session 2
- Curt Hovater (JLAB)
The Scientific Secretary of this session is Dr. Elena Shaposhnikova
Philippe Baudrenghien
11/10/2005, 08:30
The LHC RF includes eight 400 MHz super conducting cavities per ring. Each cavity
independently powered by a 300 kW klystron via a circulator. The challenges are:
very high beam current (more than 1A RF component) and very low RF noise (emittance
growth time in excess of 25 hours). To achieve that, the Low-Level RF comprises the
following sub-systems:
• We have one Cavity...
Maria Elena Angoletta
11/10/2005, 08:50
From 2008 onwards the LHC physics programme will include, in addition to proton-
proton collisions, running periods with heavy-ion collisions. The injector complex
has to be adapted in order to satisfy LHC ion requirements. In particular, a Low
Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) has been built at CERN and will be commissioned by early/mid
2006. LEIR will be equipped with a new digital beam control...
Tony Rohlev
11/10/2005, 09:10
A VME based control system has been developed and built at CERN for the servo
loops regulating the field in linac accelerating structures. It is an all-digital
system built on a single VME card, providing digital detection, processing, and
modulation. It is foreseen to be used, in different versions, for the needs of both
present and future CERN hadron linacs and is currently being...
Volker Schlott
11/10/2005, 09:30
Kenneth Fong
11/10/2005, 11:20
The phase noise spectra of the superconducting cavities of the ISAC 2 cryomodule and
of the test cryostat were measured under various conditions. Analysis of the results
show that the major contributors to this phase noise are microphonics, including
those from the superconducting cavities, the cryomodule and the power amplifiers,
each of which can be identified with their unique...
Sergey Ivanov
(Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP))
11/10/2005, 11:40
The presentation will start with a few general remarks on a theory of beam motion
under noises (inside and beyond RF buckets, non-linearity, stationary and
periodically non-stationary noises, drift fluxes, etc). Existing difficulties would
be outlined and ways to solve them sketched out. Availability of ready-to-use
techniques and tools will be commented. Experimental...
Valeri Lebedev
11/10/2005, 12:00
If not suppressed the RF system noise can significantly affect the luminosity of
hadron collider. It causes the bunch lengthening with consecutive decrease of the
beam intensity. Presently, the RF noise is the second leading reason of bunch
lengthening in Tevatron yielding to the intrabeam scattering at the store
beginning. The noise is mainly created by microphonics in RF cavities and...
Dayle Kotturi
(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
11/10/2005, 12:20
The LINAC Coherent Light Source requires an RF stability of 0.1% rms in
amplitude, 100 fs in phase for a 850 ns fill time for the S-band
structure, 125 fs in phase for a 100 ns fill time for the X-band
structure and 30 ns rise times for the RF gun pulse shaper. This paper
describes the design of a new VME/EPICS-based control system for the
LCLS low level RF system that will monitor and...